01. Juli 2021

New Developments in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry New Developments in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry

Workshop_21 © PCB
Alle Bilder in Originalgröße herunterladen Der Abdruck im Zusammenhang mit der Nachricht ist kostenlos, dabei ist der angegebene Bildautor zu nennen.

Schedule (Lectures: 30 plus 10 min and 15 plus 5 discussion)

• 1.00-1.10 pm Welcome note by Prof. R. Streubel
• 1.10-1.50 pm Prof. A. Frontera: “ Nucleophilic iodonium interactions (NIIs): a new player in crystal engineering?”
• 1.50-2.30 pm Dr. P. K. Majhi: “Diverse Chemistry of Heavier Vinylidenes”
• 2.30-3.10 pm Dr. A. Koner: ''Triel-Pnictogen double bonds (B=P, B=N): synthesis and first insight into their reactivities'''
• 3.10-3.30 pm T. Kalisch: „Unusual cycloaddition reactions of a thiazole-based 1,4-diphosphinine“
• 3.30-3.50 pm PhD cand M. Ramachandran: „Using 1,4-diphosphinines to develop molecular batteries“

Break (3.50-4.20 pm)

• 4.00-4.40 pm PhD cand. P. Brehm: “Phosphanoxyl complexes: electron spin density destribution, structure and reactivity ”

• 4.40-5.00 pm PhD cand. D. Biskup: “P-Adduct complexes: synthesis and theoretical insights into reaction pathways”
• 5.00-5.20 pm PhD cand. N. Volk: “Synthesis and reactions of free oxaphosphiranes”
• 5.20-5.40 pm PhD cand A. Garcia Alacaraz: „Theoretical insights into azadiphosphiridine formation, haptotropic shifts and structures“
• 5.40-6.20 pm Prof. A. Espinosa Ferao: “Inorganic and diheteroorganic threemembered rings - The quest for additive rules in the estimation of ring strain energies”

• After 6.30pm Barbecue

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