Universität Bonn

Molecular Physical Chemistry

About us

Here you get informations about our laboratories, our former, current and prospective group members, including open positions:

Lab Tour

This is where we are ...

The laser facilities of the Molecular Physical Chemistry Group are located in the basement, North wing of the Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (IPTC) and cover a total area of 180 m2. The necessary renovations of this part of the building including the installation and/or modernization of the technical infrastructure (electricity, cooling circuits, air conditioning, pressurized air, etc.) begun in Summer 2005 and were completed in February 2007.
© Uni Bonn

Vacant positions

Motivated scientists who are interested to join our group as a postdoc, as a graduate student or as a diploma student are invited to visit us and to see our laboratories at any time. You can also apply through regular mail or by e-mail.

Master of Science degree

Currently, the following projects leading to a M.Sc. degree in Chemisty are available:

  • Infrared and Raman spectroscopy in supercritical fluids


Currently, the following projects leading to a Ph.D. (Promotion) in Chemisty are available:

  • Ultrafast reaction dynamics of transition metal complexes
  • Two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy of molecular dynamics

Prospective postdocs with a PhD/Doctorate in Physical Chemistry or Physics should have a strong background in optical (preferentially ultrafast) spectroscopy and microscopy. A keen interest in condensed matter chemistry and physics is advantageous. Applicants for a graduate program should have successfully completed a master/diploma in Physical Chemistry or Physics. We offer a stimulating environment in a young and highly motivated research team. Salaries will comply with the guidelines of the University of Bonn or the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. The University of Bonn is an equal opportunities employer. Preference will be given to suitably qualified women or handicapped people, all other considerations being equal. For more information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Peter Vöhringer1


Current group members


Main laser laboratories



Group members

Directory (to reach a group member by phone dial ++49(0)-228-73- plus the 4-digit extension)

  Name Function E-mail Room No. Phone Ext.
Prof. Dr. Peter Vöhringer2 Group Leader p.voehringer [at] uni-bonn.de 1.028 7050
  NN Secretary officepv [at] uni-bonn.de 1.026 7055
Dr. Luis I. Domenianni Senior Scientist ldomenia [at] uni-bonn.de 1.021 2640
Dr. Jörg Lindner3 Senior Scientist jlindner [at] uni-bonn.de 1.024 7053
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Reinhold Fligg Chemical Engineer rfligg [at] uni-bonn.de 1.027 7689
M.Sc. Chem. Markus Bauer Graduate Student mbauer1 [at] uni-bonn.de 1.022 7054
M.Sc. Chem. Paul Brünker Graduate Student bruenker [at] pc.uni-bonn.de 1.029 7887
M.Sc. Chem. Claudia Gräve Graduate Student cgraeve [at] uni-bonn.de 1.022 7054
M.Sc. Chem. Oliver Pichl Graduate Student opichl [at] uni-bonn.de 1.023 7056
M.Sc. Chem. Jonas Schmidt
Graduate Student jschmi10 [at] uni-bonn.de 1.023 7056
Dr. Helge Bürsing Graduate Student
Dr. Denis Czurlok Graduate Student
René Domjahn Graduate Student
Dr. Dorothee Ehmer Postdoc
Dr. Stefan Flesch Graduate Student
Dr. Annika Gehrmann Graduate Student
Dr. Jeannine Gleim Graduate Student
Regina Hanssen Secretary
Dr. Nicole Hartmann Graduate Student
  Eveline Heinmann Secretary
  Stephan Hess Diploma Student
  Franz-Josef Hünerbein Technician
  Jaydev Jethwa Electronics Engineer
 Dr. Guido Kleefisch Postdoc
Dr. Stephan Knop Graduate Student
Dr. Stephan Kratz Graduate Student
 Dr. Thomas Kühne Graduate Student
 Dr. Santi Kundu Postdoc
Inga Majer Graduate Student
Dr. Martin Olschewski Graduate Student
  Donald Ouw Technician
  Raul Quiroz Graduate Student
 Dr. Ciprian Roman Postdoc
 Dr. Carlos Rudamas Postdoc
Annette Schäfermeier Technician
Dr. Jaane Seehusen Graduate Student
Dr. Marco Seidel Graduate Student
Dr. Steffen Straub Graduate Student
Dr. Joel Torres Alacan Postdoc
Dr. Tobias Unruh Graduate Student
Dr. Janus Urbanek Graduate Student
Dr. Anna Uritski Postdoc
  Britta Valentin Diploma Student
Dr. Tim Vogler Graduate Student
Dr. Christoph Weinert Graduate Student
Dr. Boris Wezisla Graduate Student
Dr. Hans Ulrich Winkler Senior Scientist
Dr. Kathrin Winkler Graduate Student
  Peter Zilkens Diploma Student 


Mailing address

Prof. Dr. Peter Vöhringer
Molecular Physical Chemistry Group
Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
University of Bonn
Wegelerstraße 12
53115 Bonn

Directions to the institute

The institute is located on the Poppelsdorf Campus near Bonn's inner city and is within walking distance (5 min) from Central Station. Click here4 to download a detailed map of the nearby area with instructions on how to find us upon your arrival by train. Informations about the directions to the major University campuses and locations can be obtained here5. If you arrive by plane at Cologne-Bonn airport, proceed to the exit of terminal 2 where you can board the airport express shuttle (line 670). The bus departs every 30 minutes and takes you directly to Central Station. The trip takes about half an hour.

Avatar Vöhringer

Prof. Dr. Peter Vöhringer

rer. nat.

+49 228 73-7050

+49 228 73-7049


Wegelerstr. 12

53115 Bonn

Wird geladen