Universität Bonn

Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry

Sommer term 2025 


  • 10.04.2025
    Dr. Moritz Bensberg
    Theor. Chem., ETH Zürich
    Automated Exploration of Chemical Reaction Networks 
  • 15.05.2025
    Prof. Dr. Jonny Proppe
    Inst. f. Physikal. u. Theor. Chemie, TU Braunschweig
    Data-Efficient Machine Learning and Carbon Dioxide Valorization 

  • 05.06.2025
    Dr. Ansgar Pausch
    Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
    Modeling the Effects of Solvation and High Pressure on Molecular and Electronic Structure  

  • 12.06.2025
    MSc Alea Tokita
    Theor. Chemie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Efficient construction of high-dimensional neural network potentials for molecular chemistry in solution 

 The lectures take place at 5:15 p.m.  in  Seminar Room 0.005 of the Mulliken Center for Theoretical  Chemistry, Beringstr. 4, 53115 Bonn.

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