Universität Bonn

25. September 2024

Yashna Daver is awarded a DAAD STIBIT I Degree Completion Scholarship from the DAAD DAAD Scholarship for Yashna Dawer

Yashna Daver, a master student from the group of Prof. Barbara Kirchner is awarded a STIBIT Degree Completion Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Yashna Dawer
Yashna Dawer © Barbara Kirchner
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As part of the STIBIT (Kombiniertes Stipendien- und Betreuungsprogramm,  Combined Scholarship and Support Programme) program, the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtige Amt) provides the DAAD with funds to improve the support and integration of international students. The aim is to increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of Germany as a place to study.


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