The GDCh awards Prof. Sigrid Peyerimhoff the Erich Hückel Award 2022. Prof. Peyerimhoff is honored for "her fundamental development of quantum chemical methods for the calculation of molecular properties, for the elucidation of chemical reactions and for the analysis of molecular spectra, in particular for the development of the multi-reference approach in the configuration interaction method with selection and energy extrapolation including spin-orbit interaction".
Erich Hückel Award for Prof. Peyerimhoff Erich Hückel Award for Prof. Peyerimhoff
Prof. Peyerimhoff is honored with the Erich Hückel Award 2022

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sigrid Peyerimhoff
© S. Peyerimhoff
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