Universität Bonn

Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry

Welcome to the Homepage of the Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry

News from the Mulliken Center
Study on the biological impact of the absorption of drugs on nanoplastics5
In a recent publication in Scientific Reports, an international research team with involvement of Prof. Barbara Kirchner  has investigated how nanoplastic particles in the body can influence the effectiveness of antibiotics.
DAAD Scholarship for Yashna Dawer8
Yashna Daver, a master student from the group of Prof. Barbara Kirchner is awarded a STIBIT Degree Completion Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Prof. Barbara Kirchner is chosen as Senior Editor of the Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C.12
From December 2022 onward, Prof. Barbara Kirchner is appointed as Senior Editor of the ACS Journal of Physical Chemistry A/B/C.
Dr. Moritz Bensberg (ETH Zürich)14
Mulliken Center for ...
17:15 - 18:15
"Automated Exploration of Chemical Reaction Networks" Lecture as part of the Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Jonny Proppe (TU Braunschweig)15
Mulliken Center for ...
17:15 - 18:15
"Data-Efficient Machine Learning and Carbon Dioxide Valorization" Lecture as part of the Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry
Dr. Ansgar Pausch (Amsterdam)16
Mulliken Center for ...
17:15 - 18:15
"Modeling the Effects of Solvation and High Pressure on Molecular and Electronic Structure" Lecture as part of the Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry
MSc Alea Tokita (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)17
Mulliken Center for ...
17:15 - 18:15
"Efficient construction of high-dimensional neural network potentials for molecular chemistry in solution" Lecture as part of the Seminar on Theoretical ...
Daniel Bitterlich (Universität Leipzig)18
Mulliken Center for ...
17:15 - 18:15
"Machine Learning for Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy (tentative)" Lecture as part of the Seminar on Theoretical Chemistry


Secretary (Prof. Dr. Stefan Grimme): Ms. Claudia Kronz

Tel.: +49-(0)228 732351
Fax: +49-(0)228 739064

Sicherheitsbeauftragter und Kustos: Dr. Andreas Hansen

Tel.: +49-(0)228 7360431
Mobil: +49-(0)178-6361726
Fax: +49-(0)228 739064

Secretary (Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner): Ms. Daniela Kulla

Tel.: +49-(0)228 7360439
Fax: +49-(0)228 739064

IT-Administrator: Mr. Jens Mekelburger

Tel.: +49-(0)228 732554
Fax: +49-(0)228 739064

Anreise / How to reach us

Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry
Clausius-Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Beringstr. 4
D-53115 Bonn

View on google maps20

Get directions with Google directions21.

Short description:

By car via the A565

  • from Frankfurt or Cologne / Düsseldorf (A 3, A 59, A 555) via junction St. Augustin / Hennef and junction Bonn-Nord to the exit BN Endenich, then follow the orange line on the map.
  • from Koblenz or Mönchengladbach (A 61) via the junction Meckenheim to the exit BN Lengsdorf (from that direction there is no exit BN Endenich), then towards the center (Provinzialstraße, Hermann-Wandersleb-Ring), then follow the orange line on the map.

By plane

  • from the airport Cologne/Bonn (CGN) take the airport bus SB60 in front of the terminal to Bonn Hauptbahnhof.
  • from the airport Frankfurt (FRA) take the train to Siegburg/Bonn and then take the tram 66 to Bonn Hauptbahnhof.
  • from the airport Düsseldorf (DUS) take the train to Bonn Hauptbahnhof.

   Then follow the directions below.

By train, by bus

  • from the main train station (Hbf) or central bus station (airport bus) it is a 10 minutes walk (Quantiusstraße, Meckenheimer Allee, Beringstraße, blue line on the map)
  • from the central bus station, stop A1 (ZOB, green line on the map), you can reach us by the bus lines
    601 (direction Uniklinikum Süd)
    602 (direction Waldau) or
    603 (direction Röttgen Schleife)
    In about 5 Minutes you exit at Beringstraße (price level K, Kurzstrecke).

   VRS timetable22 (local transport association)

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