Universität Bonn


The Lu group creates and studies metal-metal bonding between two first-row transition metals and between a transition metal and a main group metal. Synergistic combinations of different metals can generate hybrid "metals" that exhibit original properties and/or unique reactivities. We are broadly interested in developing these bimetallic complexes for small-molecule catalysis (e.g., dinitrogen to amine), where using non-precious metals is sensible from economical and sustainability standpoints.

BIGS Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Nico Fleck10
Kekulé-Institut für ...
10:00 - 11:00
Dr. Nico Fleck, Merck Electronics Darmstadt: (Title to be announced) ..........................................
GDCh-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jan Behrends, FU Berlin11
Chemische Institute ...
17:15 - 19:00
Prof. Dr. Jan Behrends, FU Berlin: Spins at Work in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices .......................
AC Kolloquium - Professor Dr. Charles W. Machan12
Chemische Institute - ...
16:00 - 17:00
Metal-Free Molecules as Electrocatalysts and Co-electrocatalysts There is continuously expanding interest in developing new electrocatalytic processes as an ...
GDCh-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Douglas Philp13
Chemische Institute ...
17:15 - 19:00
Prof. Dr. Douglas Philp, University of St Andrews, UK: Titel wird noch bekannt gegeben .................


Prof. Dr. Connie C. Lu

Tel: +49 228 73-5750

E-Mail: office-lu@uni-bonn.de

Room: 3.032


Susanne Lonski

Tel: +49 228 73-2859

Fax: +49 228 73-2709

E-Mail: office-lu@uni-bonn.de

Room: 3.005


Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1

53121 Bonn


Wird geladen