Universität Bonn

21. Mai 2024

Nikolay Kornienko gives an inaugural lecture at Dies Academicus Nikolay Kornienko gives an inaugural lecture at Dies Academicus

V.l.t.r. Profs. W. Wittke, N. Kornienko
V.l.t.r. Profs. W. Wittke, N. Kornienko © Connie Lu
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As part of the event "Dies Academicus" Nikolay Kornienko gave has his inaugural lecture as W3 professor on "Catalyst Development for the Electrification of Fuels and Chemical Manufacturing" followed by a discussion. Thanks to the host Dean Prof. Dr. Walter Witke.

Group Photo Prof. Dr. Nikolay Kornienko
Group Photo Prof. Dr. Nikolay Kornienko © Connie Lu
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