Universität Bonn

27. September 2024

AK Lu at GDCh Conference at TUM Garching AK Lu at GDCh Conference at TUM Garching

Connie giving her plenary talk.
Connie giving her plenary talk. © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
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The joint conference of the divisions of Solid-state Chemistry & Materials Research and Wöhler Association for Inorganic Chemistry of the GDCh took place from September 16-18, 2024 with over 300 participants at the TUM in Garching.

Connie had the opportunity to present new results on bimetallic catalysts in a plenary lecture.

Jiaxin, Joey, Krishnendu and Sudip showed their projects at the poster sessions.

AK Lu at GDCh Conference at TUM Garching
AK Lu at GDCh Conference at TUM Garching - v. l. to r. W.Assenmacher, S. Bera, C. Lu, J. Feld, J. Liu, K. Dey © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
Jiaxin discussing in front of her poster.
Jiaxin discussing in front of her poster. © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
Joey discussing in front of his poster.
Joey discussing in front of his poster. © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
Krishnendu discussing in front of his poster.
Krishnendu discussing in front of his poster. © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
Sudip discussing in front of his poster.
Sudip discussing in front of his poster. © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
group photo
group photo - v. l. t. r. K. Dey, J. Liu, S. Bera, J. Feld © Dr. Wilfried Assenmacher
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