Universität Bonn


07.01.2025 von 17:00 bis 19:00 Chemische Institute Endenich,

GDCh: Junge Forscher/innen der Bonner Chemie stellen sich vor Marcel Müller: Smarter Experiments: Reaction Optimization through Bayesian Methods Leveraging Advanced Ligand Representations Niklas Schmickler: Titanium salen complexes as new catalysts for the radical arylation of epoxides Kevin Kopp: Magnetically Coupeled Trityl Biradicals Morgan McKee: Translation of molecular catalysts into highly functional interfaces for small molecule activation Im Anschluss lädt das JCF zu Snacks und Getränken ein

07.01.2025 von 17:15 bis 19:00 Chemische Institute Endenich,

GDCh-Kolloquium: Junge Forscherinnen und Forscher der Bonner Chemie stellen sich vor Marcel Müller: Smarter Experiments: Reaction Optimization through Bayesian Methods Leveraging Advanced Ligand Representations Niklas Schmickler: Titanium salen complexes as new catalysts for the radical arylation of epoxides Kevin Kopp: Magnetically Coupeled Trityl Biradicals Morgan McKee: Translation of molecular catalysts into highly functional interfaces for small molecule activation Im Anschluss lädt das JCF zu Snacks und Getränken ein

28.01.2025 von 17:00 bis 18:30 Chemische Institute Endenich,

Prof. Dr. Erwin Reisner, University of Cambridge, UK: Sunlight-Powered Circular Chemistry Solar panels are well established to produce electricity as photovoltaic cells and are already in advanced development to photo-catalyse overall water splitting to produce green hydrogen as artificial leaves or photocatalyst sheets. This presentation will introduce solar chemistry panels as an emerging technology to enable sunlight-powered circular carbon chemistry. Our progress in designing and constructing prototype solar devices for the direct conversion of carbon dioxide as well as the coupling to the valorisation of biomass and plastic waste streams into renewable fuels and higher-value chemicals will be presented.

14.02.2025 von 10:15 bis 12:00 Universität Bonn, Chemische Institute Endenich,

Dr. Simon Rickert, ETH Zürich (Title to be announced) ...............................................

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