A few impressions of their work ...
Outreach event at the Group's laboratories Outreach event at the Group's laboratories
We had a group of future chemists visiting our laboratory. A daycare centre sent the best of the best.
They were able to experience the potential energy of gummy bears, floating soap bubbles and oxygen-cooled ice cream.

Outreach event - gummy bears
© AK Kornienko
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Outreach event - bubbles
© AK Kornienko

Outreach event - ice cream
© AK Kornienko
- https://www.chemie.uni-bonn.de/kornienko/de/news/copy_of_new-publication-from-ak-kornienko-1
- https://www.chemie.uni-bonn.de/kornienko/de/news/new-publication-from-ak-kornienko