Very Exciting News from the AK Kornienko!
Congratulations to our PhD student Morgan McKee, who has been accepted to participate in the 74th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Chemistry). What an honour!
Morgan successfully went through a complex selection process: Prof Kornienko had proposed him to the University as a potential candidate for the meeting. The University as Academic Partner agreed and nominated him in turn for participation in the Lindau Meeting. It followed a fairly extended online application over several weeks and finally an evaluation process by a scientific committee of the Lindau Meeting. And YAY, he has been selected!
New publication from AK Kornienko
A collaborative paper with Shuai Chen's and Shuai Yan's contribution has been published in Nature Communications in February 2025.
New publication from AK Kornienko
A collaborative paper with Yang Wang and Nick Kornienko's contribution has been published in Chinese Chemical Letters in February 2025.
Outreach event at the Group's laboratories
We had a group of future chemists visiting our laboratory. A daycare centre sent the best of the best.
They were able to experience the potential energy of gummy bears, floating soap bubbles and oxygen-cooled ice cream.
New publication from AK Kornienko
A collaborative paper with Hossein Bemana's and Nick Kornienko's contribution has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in December 2024.
Dr Yang Wang - Argelander
Dr Yang Wang, a Postdoc in the research group of Prof Dr Nikolay Kornienko at the University of Bonn, was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant.
New publication from AK Kornienko
The paper of Yan Shuai has been published in Advanced Science in November 2024.
New publication from AK Kornienko
Morgan McKee's paper has been published in Nature Chemistry on 4 October 2024.