New publication from AK Kornienko1
A collaborative paper with Yang Wang and Nick Kornienko's contribution has been published in Chinese Chemical Letters in February 2025.
New publication from AK Kornienko2
A collaborative paper with Shuai Chen's and Shuai Yan's contribution has been published in Nature Communications in February 2025.
Outreach event at the Group's laboratories3
We had a group of future chemists visiting our laboratory. A daycare centre sent the best of the best. They were able to experience the potential energy of gummy bears, floating soap bubbles and oxygen-cooled ice cream.
New publication from AK Kornienko4
A collaborative paper with Hossein Bemana's and Nick Kornienko's contribution has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in December 2024.
Dr Yang Wang - Argelander5
Dr Yang Wang, a Postdoc in the research group of Prof Dr Nikolay Kornienko at the University of Bonn, was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant.
New publication from AK Kornienko6
The paper of Yan Shuai has been published in Advanced Science in November 2024.
Dr. Chen Shuai - Argelander7
Dr Chen Shuai, a Postdoc in the research group of Prof Dr Nikolay Kornienko at the University of Bonn, was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant.
New publication from AK Kornienko8
Morgan McKee's paper has been published in Nature Chemistry on 4 October 2024.
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