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Einleser. Die Einleitung sollte den Kontext des Textes mitteilen sowie einen Leseanreiz schaffen. Am Ende sollte ein „Call to Action (CTA)“ – den Leser weiterführen. Schlüsselwörter dienen Autoren, Suchenden und Suchmaschinen dazu, den Themenfokus der Seite zu bestimmen. 255 Zeichen.

Module BCh 20 2.1 Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry II

The practical training course in inorganic and analytical chemistry imparts basic knowledge in the field of inorganic chemistry and shows principles and regularities. Important properties and reactions of the main and subgroup elements of the periodic table are discussed in the lectures and exercises.

Module BCh 20 6.1.3 Solid State Chemistry and Materials

Deepening of knowledge about the properties of solid substances as well as methods for the synthesis and analysis of inorganic solid-state compounds. Further development of practical laboratory skills (especially working under inter-conditions)

Elective internship BChLA WP 6 internship subject didactics chemistry

In the "Chemistry Didactics" internship, the students develop suitable experiments for different target groups. Competence-oriented planning, selection, preparation, implementation and supervision of the experiments enable first experiences with the most diverse learning groups (HS, GY, BK, students). Linked to this is the critical reflection of the results and their optimization. There is also a reflection on one's own role.

Module MCh 20 2 Analytical Methods for Condensed Matter

Basic concepts of crystallography

Physical principles of diffraction phenomena with X-ray and

electron beams

Application of these methods to determine the structure of crystalline and non-crystalline substances

Vibrational spectroscopy of solids, factor group analysis

Electron spectra and magnetism of the transition metals

H3. Thema 5

Kurzbeschreibung vom Thema. Leser abholen ohne auszuschweifen. Die Anzahl der Wörter ist nicht auf das Beispiel begrenzt. 120 Zeichen.

H3. Thema 6

Kurzbeschreibung vom Thema. Leser abholen ohne auszuschweifen. Die Anzahl der Wörter ist nicht auf das Beispiel begrenzt. 120 Zeichen.


Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum

Tel.: +49 228 73-5353

E-Mail: rglaum@uni-bonn.de

Room: 1.030


Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1

53121 Bonn

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