Aktueller Hinweis

Es gelten die Regelungen der Universität Bonn zur

Workgroup of Prof. Glaum

The research area investigated in my working group is located in the field of inorganic solid state chemistry. Equally important are the targeted synthesis of crystalline solids and their characterization.

The aim of the investigations is to contribute to the understanding of the relationship between crystal structure and physical properties (color, magnetism). The description of the chemical bond between oxygen and transition metals is of particular interest.

Focal points are: anhydrous phosphates, chemical transport, optical properties

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05:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Vortrag der Preisträger Prof. Dr. Klaus Müllen, MPI für Polymerforschung Mainz A Discovery Tour from Synthesis to Function
Professor Dr. Karl Gademann, Universität Zürich
Chemische Institute ...
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Microbiome Metabolites: Syntheses and Surprises The microbiome is composed of different microorganisms such as bacteria that live on or in a complex host, ...
Prof. Dr. Erwin Reisner, University of Cambridge, UK
Chemische Institute ...
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM
Sunlight-Powered Circular Chemistry Solar panels are well established to produce electricity as photovoltaic cells and are already in advanced development ...


Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum

Tel.: +49 228 73-5353

E-Mail: rglaum@uni-bonn.de

Room: 1.030


Institut für Anorganische Chemie

Gerhard-Domagk-Str. 1

53121 Bonn

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