29. Juni 2023

Vortrag M. Sc. Tatjana Terschüren Vortrag M. Sc. Tatjana Terschüren

AC-Kolloquium am 29.06.2023: "Chemistry of rigid, planar and bent bis-NHCs annulated to 1,4-dihydro-1,4-diphosphinines"

AC-Kolloquium am 29.06.2023: Vortrag von M. Sc. Tatjana Terschüren
AC-Kolloquium am 29.06.2023: Vortrag von M. Sc. Tatjana Terschüren © Susanne Lonski
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Despite the first 1,4-diphosphinine was published in 1976, isolated tricyclic imidazole-based dithione and -selone derivatives were synthesised only recently. They readily undergo reactions with nucleophiles as well as [4+2]-cycloadditions, while only their 1,4-dihydro-1,4-diphosphinine precursors have been converted into planar P-bridged bis(N-heterocyclic) carbenes (bis-NHCs). The latter were investigated regarding their reactivity towards transition metal complexes and, hence, represent interesting tetratopic ligands.

Herein, the synthesis of new rigid, bent bis-NHCs is presented. Their reactivity towards metal complexes and main group element halides will be discussed and compared to that of already established bis-NHCs, including some surprises.

Further information about M. Sc. Tatjana Terschüren (University of Bonn) can be found at: https://www.chemiebn.uni-bonn.de/akstreubel/group/tatjana-terschueren/b.-sc.-tatjana-terschueren1

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