09. November 2023

Vortrag Prof. Dr. Antonio Frontera Vortrag Prof. Dr. Antonio Frontera

AC-Kolloquium am 09.11.2023: "Utilizing Theoretical Calculations as Predictive Tools in the Context of Anion–π and σ-Hole Crystal Engineering and Catalysis"

AC-Kolloquium am 09.11.2023: Prof. Dr. Antonio Frontera
AC-Kolloquium am 09.11.2023: Prof. Dr. Antonio Frontera © Susanne Lonski
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In recent decades, unconventional noncovalent interactions, such as Anion–π and σ-Hole interactions, have garnered significant interest within the scientific community. The field of theoretical chemistry has played a pivotal role in unraveling the underlying physical principles governing these noncovalent forces. This profound comprehension has paved the way for the anticipation of novel applications of these forces in crystal engineering and catalysis. In this presentation, we will delve into several illustrative examples of these predictions, encompassing topics such as anion–π and tetrel bonding catalysis, anion recognition, and crystal engineering.

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