18. Januar 2024

Vortrag M. Sc. Tobias Deckstein Vortrag M. Sc. Tobias Deckstein

AC-Kolloquium am 18.01.2024: "Co≡E (E = Si – Pb) Triple Bonds: Cobalt-Centered Cleavage of E≡E Bonds and
Co≡E Metathetic Exchange Reactions"

AC-Kolloquium am 18.01.2024: M. Sc. Tobias Deckstein
AC-Kolloquium am 18.01.2024: M. Sc. Tobias Deckstein © Gregor Schnakenburg
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Triple-bond cleavage of heavier ditetrylynes (RE≡ER: E = Si – Pb, R = organyl group) at metal centers is barely explored so far. In my talk, I will discuss comprehensive synthetic methods for preparing cobalt-germylidyne, cobalt-stannylidyne, and cobalt-bisgermylidyne complexes, showcasing unprecedented Ge≡Ge and Sn≡Sn triple bond cleavage reactions at Co(0) and Co(I) metal centers. In addition, metathetical Co≡Sn/Co≡Si and Co≡Pb/Co≡Si exchange reactions will be presented leading to first silylidyne complexes of cobalt.

Further information about M. Sc. Tobias Deckstein (University of Bonn) can be found at: https://www.chemie.uni-bonn.de/filippou/de/personen/personenverzeichnis/deckstein-tobias1

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