Research Groups
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bismuto
Metal and element organic molecular chemistry, bismuth compounds for catalysis and optoelectronics
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bredow
Solid state quantum chemistry, heterogeneous catalysis,
energy storage, phase transformations.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ala Bunescu
C-H functionalization, Dearomative difunctionalization, Photocatalytic intramolecular electron transfer
Prof. Dr. Jeroen S. Dickschat
Biosynthesis of terpenoid natural products from microorganisms
Prof. Dr. Andreas Gansäuer
Catalysis, radical chemistry, stereoselective synthesis
Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum
Inorganic solid state chemistry, phosphates of transition metals, chemical transport.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Grimme
Development of quantum chemical methods, density functional theory, semiempirical tight binding.
Prof. Dr. Sigurd Höger
True to shape conjugate π-systems
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Patrycja Kielb
Raman spectroscopy and electrochemistry of biomolecules.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner
Theoretical chemistry for liquid phases, molecular dynamics, spectroscopy.
Prof. Dr. Nikolay Kornienko
Sustainable catalysis, nanomaterials, biocatalysts and hybrid systems, in-situ spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kubitscheck
Biophysical chemistry, dynamics of biological systems, microscopy
Prof. Dr. Connie Lu
Inorganic molecular chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bimetallic complexes, catalysis, activation.
Prof. Dr. Arne Lützen
Organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry, self-assembly processes, π-conjugated oligomers.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Menche
Total synthesis of natural products, synthesis methods, NMR studies, structure-effect relationships.
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Merkel
Mechanobiology, Biological Layers
(Jülich model)
Prof. Dr. Olav Schiemann
EPR spectroscopy, synthesis of spin labels, biomolecular chemistry.
Prof. Dr. Moritz Sokolowski
Organic films of π-conjugated systems, adsoption complexes.
Prof. Dr. Peter Vöhringer
Molecular physical chemistry, femtosecond spectroscopy, dynamics of chemical reactions.
Honorary Professors
Prof. Dr. Frank Neese
Quantum chemical methods, quantum chemistry, molecular spectroscopy.
Young Investigators Groups
Dr. Larissa K. S. von Krbek
Supramolecular chemistry, self-assembly processes.
Further working groups
PD Dr. Marianne Engeser
Mass spectrometry, detection of reaction intermediates, reaction mechanisms.
Active Emeriti
Prof. Dr. Helmut Baltruschat
Prof. Dr. Johannes Beck
Inorganic solid state and molecular chemistry
Prof. Dr. U. Benjamin Kaupp
Molecular Neurosensory
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rainer Streubel
Phosphorus-containing reactive intermediates, aromatic heterocycles.