Universität Bonn

Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie

27. September 2024

Sigrid Peyerimhoff Research Award for Anna Kny Sigrid Peyerimhoff Research Award for Anna Kny

Anna Kny received the Sigrid Peyerimhoff-Forschungspreis 2024 for her outstanding publication „Chiral self‐organized single 2D‐layers of tetramers from a functional donor‐acceptor molecule by the surface template effect “ (Nanoscale 15 (2023) 10319-10329). This award is intended to support a young scientist in the field of physical and theoretical chemistry at the University of Bonn who can demonstrate an outstanding publication in these fields.

2D-layers © Uni Bonn
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Chiral self-organized single 2D-layers of tetramers from a functional donor–acceptor molecule by the surface template effect.

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