Institute for Inorganic Chemistry

Welcome to the website of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.

New publication from AK Kornienko3
A collaborative paper with Hossein Bemana's and Nick Kornienko's contribution has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in December 2024.
Dr Yang Wang - Argelander4
Dr Yang Wang, a Postdoc in the research group of Prof Dr Nikolay Kornienko at the University of Bonn, was awarded an Argelander Starter-Kit Grant.
BIGS Chemistry Lecture: Dr. Nico Fleck6
Kekulé-Institut für ...
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Dr. Nico Fleck, Merck Electronics Darmstadt: (Title to be announced) ..........................................
GDCh-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Jan Behrends, FU Berlin7
Chemische Institute ...
05:15 PM - 07:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Jan Behrends, FU Berlin: Spins at Work in Energy Conversion and Storage Devices .......................
AC Kolloquium - Professor Dr. Charles W. Machan8
Chemische Institute - ...
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Metal-Free Molecules as Electrocatalysts and Co-electrocatalysts There is continuously expanding interest in developing new electrocatalytic processes as an ...
GDCh-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Douglas Philp9
Chemische Institute ...
05:15 PM - 07:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Douglas Philp, University of St Andrews, UK: Titel wird noch bekannt gegeben .................

Research areas

  • Solid State Chemistry
  • Inorganic Molecular Chemistry
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Chemical Vapour Transport
  • Reactive Intermedia
  • Crystallography
  • Sustainable Catalysts

Research Groups

Currently, four research groups with about 60 scientific staff are conducting research at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Alessandro Bismuto

Metal and elemental organic molecular chemistry, bismuth compounds for catalysis and optoelectronics

Prof. Dr. Robert Glaum

Inorganic solid state chemistry: anhydrous phosphates, chemical transport, optical properties

Nikolay Kornienko
© NK

Prof. Dr. Nikolay Kornienko

Sustainable catalysis, nanomaterials, biocatalysts and hybrid systems, in-situ spectroscopy

Prof. Dr. Connie Lu

Catalysts for the activation of small molecules, ligand design, transition metal complexes


Former professors of the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Job offers

Student / Scientific Assistants
  • Praktikum "Anorganische und Analytische Chemie II, Qualitative Analyse" (Modul BCh 20 2.1)
  • Praktikum "Chemie für Biologen" (Modul BP03, Bachelorstudiengang Biologie, in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit des Sommersemesters)
  • Praktikum "Schulorientiertes Experimentieren"(Studiengang MEdCh)


Institute for Inorganic Chemistry

Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Connie C. Lu

Susanne Lonski
Tel +49 228 73-2859
Fax +49 228 73-5327

Room 3.031/3.048
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1
D-53121 Bonn

Institute Administration

Dr. Sabine Rings

Christine Dolf
Tel +49 228 73-2664
Fax +49 228 73- 2709

Room 3.031
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1
53121 Bonn

Study Counseling

Dr. Jörg Daniels
Consultation hours Di 15 - 16 Uhr

Tel +49 228 73-3591
Fax +49 228 73-5660

Room 2.001
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1
53121 Bonn

Opening Hours

  • Monday - Friday
    8 am - 7 pm

Arrival by car

Destination address for navigation:
Gerhard-Domagk-Straße 1, 53121 Bonn, Germany

Free parking along Gerhard-Domagk-Straße.

Paid parking (parking ticket machine) in the parking lots in front of and behind the institutes.

Arrival by public transport

By bus:
Bus stop "Gerhard-Domagk-Straße" (walking distance 150m) or "Verdistraße" (walking distance 750m).

By streetcar:
Stop "Probsthof Nord" (walking distance 600m).

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